While staying at Disney World we spent one of the days at Sea World. Unlike the Sea World on the Gold Coast they don't have the water skiing show but they did have plenty of animal shows for us to spend our time watching. The day was ridiculously hot and humid so it was good to be able to sit in cool undercover stadiums and occasionally get a little wet.
Shamu is a male killer whale at the Orlando Sea World. They do both a day and night show with up to three killer whales and they are extremely entertaining.
The stadium has two sitting areas: the dry area or the wet area. Being an extremely hot and humid day, we choose the wet area. We found out very quickly why they call it the wet area: those whales throw a lot of water with their tails!!!!
For the rest of the show, the trainers swam and jumped with the whales. It showed great trust both on the part of the trainer and also the whale. They lay on the belly of the whales, surfed on top, were pushed around on the nose of the whale and pushed high into the air by very fast moving whales.
They are beautiful and very graceful creatures to watch and a very entertaining show to watch.
A combination of dolphins, whales, birds and actors make up this show. It's a pretty visually spectacular show that demonstrates the talents of both the dolphins and small whales in a similar fashion to that of the dolphin show at the Gold Coast Sea World but with a story-line mixed in. They also had exotic birds and high divers.
A manatee is a fully aquatic marine mammal, sometimes called
sea-cow and are found, among other places, along the coastal water ways of
Florida. At Sea World there is a very educational exhibit on the manatee,
with five or six of them moving rather slowly around their pool. Due mainly
to human intervention, the numbers of manatee found in the world is
diminishing. They are plant eaters and very slow moving so most of the time
they are killed or injured after boats collide with them. Probably not the
most attractive creatures we saw at Sea World but interesting never the
The other show that we saw whilst at Sea World as the Pets Ahoy animal show, which consisted of cats, dogs, mice, rats, birds, ducks and even a pig. The Sea World staff regularly rescue animals from shelters and train them to perform in their show. It's very cute to watch the animals do various ticks and stunts in their very own show.
They also had a sea lion show but due to time constraints and the heat we decided to call it a day early and headed off to Sarasota. That said Sea World is a great place to visit, especially if you have kids.