
Up Hartford Mystic Area CT State Map

Population - 3,510,297 (2005)

Area - 4,844 sq miles (12,545 sq kilometers)

Admitted to Union - 9 Jan 1788

Capital City - Hartford

State Map of Connecticut (CT)

The English settlements in the 1630s of Windsor, Wethersfield and Hartford united in 1639 to form the Connecticut Colony and Connecticut as we know it today. Throughout the American Revolution, the stated served as the Continental Army's major supplier and went on to become one of the most industrialized states in the USA.

Today Connecticut seems to produce a myriad of items, from weapons, sewing machines, jet engines, cutlery, clocks, locks, silverware, helicopters and submarines. Hartford is also apparently the insurance capital of the US.

Points of interest in Connecticut include: Yale University, Long Island Sound (well mainly the 250-mile shoreline, Peabody Museum, Winchester gun Museum, Mark Twain House and Mystic Sea Port, which is a re-created 19th century New England seaport.

During our travels through Connecticut we visited the Mark Twain House (in Hartford), Mystic Sea Port, the USS Nautilus (the first nuclear powered submarine in the US Navy) and an old steam powered cider mill. If you're passing through the area, all of these locations are certainly worth a visit.